Thursday, August 21, 2008

Romanian girl wants abortion

I came across a very interesting article about abortion in the Sydney Morning Herald. The title of the article is 'Raped by her uncle, but can she have an abortion.' It was published by the SMH on June 26, 2008. You can view the article here:

An 11 year old girl was raped by her 19 year old uncle in Romania and wants an abortion. However, because she is 20 weeks pregnant, she is over the legal limit for an abortion in Romania. The article says, "...a government committee will decide this week whether an 11-year-old who was raped by her uncle can go to Britain for an abortion or must continue the pregnancy." The legal limit for an abortion in Britain is 24 weeks.

I think the girl should be allowed to have an abortion. She is only 11 years old, which is far too young an age to look after a child. Furthermore, she was raped, meaning she did not want to have a baby in the first place. The fact that this case has divided the public really astounds me. I thought most level-headed people would believe this girl should be allowed to have an abortion.

Good advices for blogging from one of the bloggers in the world

When I was searching a good blog or a blog which is relevant to our topic,

I found a blogger in South Africa. As I read his articles, I thought he knows

blogging. So I emailed him and got a reply. He says something good about blogging

So I post it on here. When I got his email, I felt so good. I don't how to explain

but I reckon I am getting know more and closer to the blog world

as well as citizen journalism. As he says below, there is no a bad bolg.

Keep it up, guys!!!

Email from Cobus

I just formatted by PC, and is on my way to a camp for the weekend.

Hopefully I'll remember to sign up for your RSS feed when I come home.

Congrats on joining the blogging world!!! Your blogging bout noble causes, keep it


There not something like a bad blog, blogs are blogs, there is just good content and

bad content, keep up publishing good content and link a lot! And comment on other

blogs a lot, this is what makes for good blogs and bloggers.

Oh, and content don't need to be sophisticated to be good, on the contrary, I think

I miss many readers because the content is too sophisticated.

The challenge is to make good thinking accessible to everyone.

Woule like to here more on your project as time proceed.

check out my blog at

die blog van 'n paar TUKS studente: