Tuesday, August 12, 2008


Hey, guys! Good evening!

Today, I wanna talk about unwanted pregnancy.

Yesterday, I watched the movie called "JUNO".

This movie is about the happenings after a teenage girl becomes pregnant.

This is quite fun!

If you see the very last scene, you can think about unwanted pregnancy carefully...

I'm not gonna tell you the story! you've gotta watch it!!

You can get it from any video shop!

If you have seen it, Make a comment, please!

While I googled about juno, I found a very interesting blog!

There is a very interesting and sophisticated article about Juno & abortion.

You should check it out!

Ihe blog is http://mycontemplations.wordpress.com/the-contemplator/


Paul said...

Juno is an interesting look at unwanted pregnancy from the perspective of a teenage girl. The film was successful and won an Academy Award.

Yun said...

really? I didnt know that won an Academy!

if you watch the movie, somehow you could think like that teenage pregnancy is quite cool. however, when you see the scene that the girl in movie is crying after she gives birth, you would feel something different things...

Cobus said...

Thanx for the link. I'm not going to go into the story at all. But I haven't seen a film which can be so deep and so humorous at the same time in ages!

I used the movie with a group of young people (aged 17-20) a while ago, and then opened it up for discussion. The discussion turned to parents, and the end result was that they all went to ask there parents what they would do if they came home pregnant. It was great how kids heard that there parents tell them that they would still be welcome at home!

Yun said...

thanks so much for visiting!!!

that was very interesting research!
l reckon I would welcome my children as well if I have.

also l think that is somehow depending on a country.
for example, l am in Australia. l think the parents in Aus would welcome their children. however, half of the parents in S.Korea would not welcome their children, I assume.
probably. my parents still welcome though. haha
(I am from Korea).

Yun said...

also, depends on many things such as culture, family's atmosphere,etc... l reckon.


Initially the movie has a hillarious take on pregnancy. However, it's quite interesting to see that later Juno finds it hard to part from her new born child. She becomes emotional. I reckon that is because she feels guilty of giving a piece of herself to someone else.

I was quite stunned when the father accepts Juno's pregnancy so calmly. As that would not be the case in my country, Nepal. People back home still are conservative and do not talk about such issues in public. It is a taboo.

Yun said...

I reckon that will be changed.. as many young girls come to home with her pregnancy... I think that has happened quite often in 10 years so that the parents began to accept the reality...

Livia and Lisa's blog.. said...

hi, teenagers' unwanted pregnancy is the big social problem today.... wanna know the end of this movie... whats happening...haha so will try to watch it.

Yun said...

Yes. you've gotta watch it! I can't tell you the story. haha