Thursday, August 14, 2008

Cases when abortion should be allowed

The following article discusses instances when abortion should be allowed. 

When I conducted an interview with my father (which you can listen to on our blog) we both touched on a few instances in which abortion should be allowed. These cases included rape, when a child would have mental or physical problems and when parents do not have the financial capabilities to raise a child. But this article is interesting as it looks at abortion from the perspective of a mother and the government. Abortion is considered acceptable if a mother's health would suffer and when governments need to monitor the size of the population. Some people believe that abortion is always wrong, but maybe they should re-evaluate their beliefs when looking at some of these cases.

"Some societies ban abortion almost completely while others permit it in certain cases.

Such societies usually lay down a maximum age after which the foetus must not be aborted, regardless of the circumstances.

At various times some of the following have been allowed in some societies:

* abortion for the sake of the mother's health
- including her mental health
* abortion where a pregnancy is the result of a crime
- such as crimes like rape, incest, or child abuse
* abortion where the child of the pregnancy would have an ' unacceptable quality of life' such as cases where the child would have
- serious physical handicaps,
- serious genetic problems,
- serious mental defects
* abortion for social reasons, including:
- poverty,
- mother unable to cope with a child (or another child),
- mother being too young to cope with a child
* abortion as a matter of government policy
- as a way of regulating population size
- as a way of regulating groups within a population
- as a way of improving the population"



Yun said...

I am likely to agree something but I can/ don't want to understand 'abortion as a matter of government policy'. that is shxx!!

Paul said...

I'm likely to agree but some countries can't support the size of its population. In China there is a one child policy.

Yun said...

that's a harsh policy. I hope they can have a safe sex so that there is not abortion...